Andrei1penguin12021-05-08 23:30:13
Andrei1penguin1, 2021-05-08 23:30:13

How to run FileChooserIconView in Python code?

Good day, there is a task after clicking the button to open a dialog box with files, that is, filechoosericonview
But the on_press method of the button button in the KV file does not accept more than one level, respectively, the logic should be called from the Python code
At the moment I'm trying to do this:

def load(self):
        f = FileChooserIconView(filters=["DumpStack.log.tmp", "hiberfil.sys", "pagefile.sys", "swapfile.sys"], size=(200, 200))
        return f

But nothing works
Please tell me how can I implement this?

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1 answer(s)
Andrei1penguin1, 2021-05-09


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