Milyh2014-03-07 11:47:36
Task Schedulers
Milyh, 2014-03-07 11:47:36

How to run a script every last weekday of the month in cron?

How to run a script on every last weekday of the month? I don't want to do a check in the script itself and run it every day from 28 to 31. Is there a more elegant solution?
Those. not every last Friday is needed, but the last weekday of the month. For example: on Wednesday, if it is the 31st, etc.

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3 answer(s)
Allineer, 2014-03-07

0 23 28-31 * * [ "$(/bin/date +\%d -d tomorrow)" = "01" ] && /your/script.sh

name surname, 2015-06-12

text pages are usually edited through visiwigs like this ckeditor.com
And you need to style the main elements of such pages www.xiper.net/collect/services/oformlenie-kontenta.html

Rodion Svetlitskiy, 2015-06-12

What's the problem then? Most likely your client will fill the site from the admin panel. And most likely you have a wysiwyg editor implemented there, in any of them the client will be able to set the wrap around the image he needs.
If your site is static, then the client must have minimal skills in working with html anyway, then just hang classes on the pictures. The situation is similar with the second part of the question.
But personally, I don’t really understand why there should be different indents for paragraphs.

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