neonox2016-09-28 10:30:30
Ruby on Rails
neonox, 2016-09-28 10:30:30

How to run a Ruby project on shared hosting?

Colleagues, hello!
They asked to transfer the site to a new hosting. The site is made on RoR. Before that, I had never encountered projects on this framework. Created a project on hosting, uploaded files. I am getting a 502 error from nginx. I see the following error in unicorn.stderr.log: "NoMethodError: undefined method `allow_params' for Site::PagesController:Class".
What could it be? How to fix? Googling, alas, did not help.

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2 answer(s)

Well, in short, you did everything out of your mind. It's not clear if you're a bandit or not? in theory, everyone should do capistrano/mina/etc deployments for you. In short, try to get confusedgem install bundler && bundle install

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2016-10-03

undefined method `allow_params' for Site::PagesController - is there a method in the controller code at all?

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