
How to run a 16-bit program under Windows-7.8 without installing an emulator or a virtual machine?

Are there any programs like a virtual machine, but without the need to install them, that allow you to run 16-bit programs under Windows-7,8?
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I have one of my old 16-bit programs made under DOS. At home, I run it under a virtual machine, and everything is in order. But I want to distribute it to my friends, and I cannot demand that they also install a virtual machine for this. Are there any emulator programs similar to virtual machines (but that you do not need to install them, but you could just run them) that allow you to run old 16-bit programs under Windows-7,8? Simply put, I would like to avoid installation.

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2 answer(s)
PrAw, 2016-08-08

we take DosBox and set it for ourselves, then we start putting the necessary files into a separate directory "MyMegaSoftina".
What you need:
1. Files dosbox.exe, SDL.dll, SDL_net.dll, your program with everything you need in the dos
subdirectory 2. Create a dosbox.conf file: === [autoexec] mount c .\
dos c : ufo.bat = = = put next to dosbox.exe (enter your own name of the file to be launched in the config). In the received pack, run Dosbox.exe, you can make an archive and distribute it, it works without installation (although people like to run directly from the archive, but it won’t work without full unpacking). You can stop there.
3. On the basis of the same WinRar SFX, you can make an installer that will also throw a shortcut to the dosbox on the desktop.

maaGames, 2016-08-08

Obviously, you are a programmer and you can write a simple program in a language that is convenient for you, so:
1. Install Enigma VirtualBox
2. Download DosBox
3. Write an exe file that launches DosBox with the necessary parameters to run your program
4. Use Enigma to combine into one exe file launcher, DosBox and your program.
5. PROFIT! You have one single exe file. Moreover, you can emulate the registry, system folders and all sorts of things.

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