maksam072017-07-03 19:38:43
maksam07, 2017-07-03 19:38:43

How to return the previous selection of words?

Hello. It’s not very clear from the title, but I’ll try to describe it right now. I
don’t remember exactly when this problem started, at first I didn’t pay attention to it, but now it started to bother me that not all the same words are highlighted when I highlight some.
First screen:
All words that do not have a single character next to them are selected
Second screenshot:
I clicked on the word killer 2 times and almost the entire line was highlighted
Third screenshot:
I clicked on killer 2 times, the word with a bracket was highlighted and only words with a bracket were highlighted.
Since when did he start capturing brackets or even words next to him? the same has not happened until recently. And also, as you can see in the screenshot, it does not highlight all the words. Who had something like that? I did not take any action and did not change the settings. It costs Windows 10 x64 (suddenly this is its feature now)
Help: D

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