Alexey Vasiliev2015-05-27 16:29:53
Alexey Vasiliev, 2015-05-27 16:29:53

How to resolve php-intl related error when installing Symfony 2?

This is my first time installing this framework. When running the config.php configuration file , an error appears related to the lack of support for 'fr-FR' locales.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Symfony\Component\Intl\Exception\
MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException' with message 'The Symfony\Component\Intl
\Collator\Collator::__construct() method's argument 
$locale value 'fr_FR' behavior is not implemented. Only the locale "en" is supported. 
Please install the "intl" extension for full localization capabilities.' 
in C:\WebServer-Apache\Apache-2.4\htdocs\localhost\www\public\lcg\vendor\symfony\symfony\src
\Symfony\Component\Intl\Collator\Collator.php:80 Stack trace: #0
\app\SymfonyRequirements.php(648): Symfony\Component\Intl\Collator
\Collator->__construct('fr_FR') #1 C:\WebServer-Apache\Apache-2.4\htdocs\
localhost\www\public\lcg\web\config.php(19): SymfonyRequirements->__construct() 
#2 {main} thrown in C:\WebServer-Apache\Apache-2.4\htdocs\localhost
\Collator\Collator.php on line 80

I removed the comments in the php.ini file for this php-intl extension, the dll file is in the ext folder, set the value intl.default_locale = 'en-US' . The path to the ext folder is registered. The error remains.
When phpinfo() outputs, there is nothing like intl anywhere in the list of modules.
Help, please, to solve this problem.

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1 answer(s)
Denis, 2015-05-27

Install the Intl extension for puff, which Symfony kindly asks for.
Restart the server and puff.
Uncomment line in config.yml framework: locale...

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