werewolf12020-05-12 18:41:19
werewolf1, 2020-05-12 18:41:19

How to resolve Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir?

let project_folder = require("path").basename(__dirname);
let source_folder = "#src";

let fs = require('fs');

let path = {
  build: {
    html: project_folder + "/",
    css: project_folder + "/css/",
    js: project_folder + "/js/",
    img: project_folder + "/image/",
    fonts: project_folder + "/fonts/",
  src: {
    html: [source_folder + "/*.html", "!"+source_folder + "/_*.html"],
    css: source_folder + "/scss/style.scss",
    js: source_folder + "/js/script.js",
    img: source_folder + "/image/**/*.{jpg,png,svg,gif,ico,webp}",
    fonts: source_folder + "/fonts/*.ttf",
  watch: {
    html: source_folder + "/**/*.html",
    css: source_folder + "/scss/**/*.scss",
    js: source_folder + "/js/**/*.js",
    img: source_folder + "/image/**/*.{jpg,png,svg,gif,ico,webp}",
  clean: "./" + project_folder + "/",

let { src, dest } = require('gulp'),
  gulp = require('gulp'),
  browsersync = require("browser-sync").create(),
  fileinclude = require("gulp-file-include"),
  del = require("del"),
  scss = require("gulp-sass"),
  autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer"),
  group_media = require("gulp-group-css-media-queries"),
  clean_css = require("gulp-clean-css"),
  rename = require("gulp-rename"),
  uglify = require("gulp-uglify-es").default,
  imagemin = require("gulp-imagemin"),
  webp = require("gulp-webp"),
  webphtml = require("gulp-webp-html"),
  webpcss = require("gulp-webpcss"),
  svgSprite = require("gulp-svg-sprite"),
  ttf2woff = require("gulp-ttf2woff"),
  ttf2woff2 = require("gulp-ttf2woff2"),
  fonter = require("gulp-fonter");

function browserSync(params) {
    server: {
      baseDir: "./" + project_folder + "/"
    port: 3000,
    notify: false

function html() {
  return src(path.src.html)
    .pipe(webphtml())//Интегрирует webp в html

function css() {
  //Получаем исходники и обрабатываем SCSS
  return src(path.src.css)
        outputStyle: "expanded"
  //Группируем @media-запросы
  //Добовляем вендорные префиксы :
  //-o- — префикс для браузера Опера
  //-moz- — префикс для браузеров Mozilla
  //-ms — префикс для Интернет Експлорера 8 
  //-webkit- — префикс для браузеров Safari и Chrome
        overrideBrowserslist: ["last 5 version"],
        cascade: true
    .pipe(webpcss())//конвертирует webp  в css
  //Выгружаем 1 файл,сжимая переименовываем в .min.css
        extname: ".min.css"
  //Выгружаем 2 файл не сжимая
  //Выводим в live и следим за изменениями

function js() {
  return src(path.src.js)
  //Выгружаем 1 файл,сжимая переименовываем в .min.js
        extname: ".min.js"
  //Выгружаем 2 файл не сжимая
  //Выводим в live и следим за изменениями

function images() {
  return src(path.src.img)
  //Сжатие картинок
  //webp - Интегрирует формат .webp только в те браузеры - которые поддерживают этот формат
        quality: 70 //Качество изображения
  //после обработки webp сразу идет копирование обычных изображений
  //Ниже уже идет обработка обычных изображений
        progressive: true,
        interlaced: true,
        optimizationLevel: 3 //0 to 7 //Сила сжатия изображения

function fonts() {
  return src(path.src.fonts)

//ЗАДАЧА для конвертирования OTF в TTF  (В исходной папке)
gulp.task('otf2ttf', function () {
  return src([source_folder + '/fonts/*.otf'])
      formats: ['ttf']
    .pipe(dest(source_folder + '/fonts/'));

function fontsStyle(params) {

  let file_content = fs.readFileSync(source_folder + '/scss/fonts.scss');
  if (file_content = '') {
    fs.writeFile(source_folder + '/scss/fonts.scss', '', cb);
    return fs.readdir(path.build.fonts, function (err, items) {
      if (items) {
        let c_fontname;
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
          let fontname = items[i].split('.');
          fontname = fontname[0];
          if (c_fontname != fontname) {
            fs.appendFile(source_folder + '/scss/fonts.scss', '@include font("' + fontname + '", "' + fontname + '", "400", "normal");\r\n', cb);
          c_fontname = fontname;

function cd() {


//Отслеживание файлов
function watchFiles(params) {
  gulp.watch([path.watch.html], html);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.css], css);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.js], js);
  gulp.watch([path.watch.img], images);

function clean(params){
  return del(path.clean);

//Процесс Выполнения 
let build = gulp.series(clean, gulp.parallel(js,css, html, images, fonts), fontsStyle);
let watch = gulp.parallel(build, watchFiles, browserSync);

exports.fontsStyle = fontsStyle;
exports.fonts = fonts;
exports.images = images;
exports.js = js;
exports.css = css;
exports.html = html;
exports.build = build;
exports.watch = watch;
exports.default = watch;

"name": "lesson6",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": " echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"browser-sync": "^2.26.7",
" del": "^5.1.0",
"gulp": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-autoprefixer": "^7.0.1",
"gulp-clean-css": "^4.3.0",
"gulp-file-include": "^2.2.2",
"gulp-fonter": "^0.3.0",
"gulp-group-css-media-queries": "^1.2.2",
"gulp- imagemin": "^7.1.0",
"gulp-rename": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-sass": "^4.1.0",
"gulp-svg-sprite": "^1.5.0",
"gulp-ttf2woff": "^1.1.1",
"gulp-ttf2woff2": "^3.0 .0",
"gulp-uglify-es": "^2.0.0",
"gulp-webp": "^4.0.1",
"gulp-webp-html": "^1.0.2",
"gulp- webpcss": "^1.1.1",
"rename": "^1.0.4"

//And console text

PS C:\git full\kurs\Lesson6> gulp
[18:41:07] Using gulpfile C: \git full\kurs\Lesson6\gulpfile.js
[18:41:07] Starting 'default'...
[18:41:07] Starting 'watchFiles'...
[18:41:07] Starting 'browserSync'...
[18:41:07] Starting 'clean'...
[18:41:07] Finished 'clean' after 38 ms
[18:41:07] Starting 'js'.. .
[18:41:07] Starting 'css'...
[18:41:07] Starting 'html'...
[18:41:07] Starting 'images'...
[18:41:07] Starting 'fonts'...
[18:41:10] 'fonts' errored after 2.74 s
[18:41:10] Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, mkdir 'C:\git full\kurs\Lesson6\#src\fonts \*.ttf'
[18:41:10] 'default' errored after 2.78 s
[18:41:10] The following tasks did not complete: watchFiles, browserSync, js, css, html, images
[18:41:10 ] Did you forget to signal async completion?

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