myskypesla2017-07-03 15:48:25
myskypesla, 2017-07-03 15:48:25

How to reset browser cache with gulp?

Hi all.

There is a gulpfile and gulp.watch is configured in it, when the css file is changed, for example, the page is reloaded, but some kind of can in Bitrix that I can’t defeat and the changes take effect if you open the inspector and turn on disable cashe, but it’s not uncommon to need an inspector in the process of laying out. So is there some kind of pipe that can be inserted at the end of each task (again, for example, css) to force the page cache to be cleared?

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1 answer(s)
Anton fon Faust, 2017-07-07

I would first of all look at the html code for the presence of the manifest attribute.

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