ase20152019-04-19 09:05:46
C++ / C#
ase2015, 2019-04-19 09:05:46

How to reset a number in code?

there is a code (for a game like a quiz), it turns out at the end the result is given with the number of correct answers, but when I press play again and if I do not make a single correct answer, it displays the previous result for me. How to make the variable -cor- after issuing the result reset to zero and then if you do not make a single correct one, then 0 is displayed and not the previous result

public QuestionList[] questions;
    public Text reztext;
    public GameObject rez;
    public Text mytext;
    public Text[] answerstext;
    List<object> mylist;
    int randq;
    QuestionList crntQ;
    int cor = 0;
    public void start()

    public void OnClickPlay()
        mylist = new List<object>(questions);
    void questiongenerate()
        if (mylist.Count > 0)
            randq = Random.Range(0, mylist.Count);
            crntQ = mylist[randq] as QuestionList;

            mytext.text = crntQ.question;
            List<string> answers = new List<string>(crntQ.answers);
            for (int i = 0; i < crntQ.answers.Length; i++)
                int rand = Random.Range(0, answers.Count);
                answerstext[i].text = answers[rand];



    public void answersbttns(int index)
        if (answerstext[index].text.ToString() == crntQ.answers[0])
            cor = cor + 1;
            reztext.text = "Ваш результат:" + cor + "/10";




    public class QuestionList
        public string question;
        public string[] answers = new string[3];

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1 answer(s)
Qu1eeeOJ, 2019-04-19

If I understand correctly, you can first declare a variable int = cor; at the beginning of the game, assign the value cor = 0;

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