doriulbool2016-08-09 12:27:37
doriulbool, 2016-08-09 12:27:37

How to replace value text in sql query during search?

There are two tables.
Name_short | Value
JSC "SZP" | 10
Joint-Stock Company "Saransk Plant Pupkin"
I say right away - If id could be made a join on it, but it is not.
Search input: JSC "Saransk Pupkin Plant"
We will not find anything, not in the first, not in the second table.
Is it possible, for example, during the search to replace words with words from the list, for example:
Spisok=([JSC; joint-stock company], [JSC; Closed Joint-Stock Company], [LLC; Limited Liability Company]);
We are looking for:
JSC "Saransky Zavod Pupkina"
We do not find and change during the search for JSC with the full name of
The fact is that it is impossible to cut off the beginning and search purely by name without a legal form, since invalid names such as ZAO or OA will be issued due to the occurrence of AO in these words.
In sql, I am not familiar with lists, arrays and variables, and I can’t sort through the data from here. I know how to do the Replace function, but it turns out a construction like a request in a request, and even 'ao', as letters in a word can occur. Any ideas?

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1 answer(s)
Rickkk, 2016-08-30

I looked at the task. It seems to me that this problem is solved by using a correspondence table of long and short legal forms. Here is the script:

--таблица с заводами
create table test_tbl 
Name_full text

insert into test_tbl 
select 'Акционерное общество "Саранский завод Пупкина"';

--таблица соответствий правовых форм
create table prav_forms 
short_form text,
full_form text

--заполняем таблицу
insert into prav_forms(short_form,full_form)
select 'ао','акционерное общество'
select 'зао','закрытое акционерное общество'
select 'ооо','общество с ограниченной ответственностью';

--выходной запрос

with ish as(
--что ищем
select 'ао "Саранский завод Пупкина"'::text  as search_str
ish2 as (
--получаем форму и завод регулярками
select (regexp_matches(search_str, '(\w+)'))[1] as form,
(regexp_matches(search_str, '\"[\w\s]+\"'))[1] as form2
 from ish
ish3 as (
--находим запись по короткому наименованию 
select * from test_tbl where lower(Name_full)=(select lower(search_str) from ish limit 1)
select * from ish3
--если по короткому не найдено, то получаем полную форму и ищем по ней
select * from test_tbl tt
where not exists(select * from ish3)
and lower(tt.Name_full) in (select 
lower(pv.full_form || ' ' || ish2.form2)
 from ish2 inner join prav_forms pv on 
limit 1

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