Andrey Gladchenko2020-08-21 22:26:59
Andrey Gladchenko, 2020-08-21 22:26:59

How to replace part of text in a string?

There is a file with lines.
It is necessary, upon request, to find a line in the file containing a certain word and then replace it with a new one.
The contents of the bot_users.ini file:

76561198350488605 = 20190926211922 20191006000222 0 71791 0 0 KraimLoc
76561198006283363 = 20190926211949 20200726110443 0 71956 0 417 sHERK1
76561198072107799 = 20190926212515 20200727145756 0 72266 0 527 Накурин
76561198868608679 = 20190926215315 20200327061846 0 65996 0 5435 Tolik Odessa
76561198990369306 = 20190926215454 20191207161519 0 71991 0 3591 GoodMan
76561198161930938 = 20190926220107 20200617114901 0 44004 0 Antoxa_102
76561198985130944 = 20190926220336 20191215185342 0 76516 0 4184 МАРВИН
76561198042056253 = 20190926220911 20200722134832 0 85871 0 0 AnaRchisT
76561198880335186 = 20190926221129 20190926221129 0 71791 0 4258 默秋

myfile = 'bot_users.ini'
word = '76561198985130944'
cash = 500
f = open(myfile, 'r+', encoding="utf-8")#открыл файл
for line in f:#читаю строки
    if word in line:#ищу слово word = 76561198985130944 в строках
        new_list = line.split(' ')#создаю список из строки
        print(new_list)#для проверки вывожу на экран
#присваиваю значения        
        steamid = new_list[0]
        name = new_list[8]
        bank = new_list[5]
        newbank = int(bank) + cash#создаю (задаю) новое значение newbank 
        print('New Bank: {}'.format(newbank))#проверка значения newbank 
        print('>>>>>>>>Found: {}\nSteamid: {}\nName: {}\nBank: {}'.format(word, steamid, name, bank))

New Bank: 77016
>>>>>>>>Found: 76561198985130944
76561198985130944 Name: MARVIN
Bank: 76516
Next, please help.
How to write the value of newbank instead of bank exactly on that line!
All lines should be saved in the file, and the new value should be set in the line

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2 answer(s)
Ternick, 2020-08-21

I have no words. To begin with, all this code is complete rubbish, everything can be written much clearer and more sensibly, but this is just nonsense.
Further, I would recommend using a local database to store all sorts of rubbish like this.
In theory it should work, I haven't tested it.


myfile = 'bot_users.ini'
word = '76561198985130944'
cash = 500
f = open(myfile, 'r+', encoding="utf-8")#открыл файл
lines = f.read().strip().split("\n")
for line in lines:#читаю строки
  if word in line:#ищу слово word = 76561198985130944 в строках
    new_list = line.split(' ')#создаю список из строки
    print(new_list)#для проверки вывожу на экран
#присваиваю значения        
    steamid = new_list[0]
    name = new_list[8]
    bank = new_list[5]
    newbank = int(bank) + cash#создаю (задаю) новое значение newbank 
    lines.append(" ".join(new_list).replace(bank, str(newbank)))
    print('New Bank: {}'.format(newbank))#проверка значения newbank
    print('>>>>>>>>Found: {}\nSteamid: {}\nName: {}\nBank: {}'.format(word, steamid, name, bank))

Andrey Gladchenko, 2020-08-22

Ternick Thank you very much for your help!
I added the code so that the text replacement would occur in the same line!

myfile = 'bot_users.ini'
word = '76561198868608679'
cash = 500

f = open(myfile, 'r', encoding="utf-8")#открыл файл
lines = f.read().strip().split("\n")
for i, line in enumerate(lines):#ищу № строки
#for line in lines:#читаю строки# - заменил на строку, указанную выше (что бы определить № строки)
  if word in line:#ищу слово word = 76561198161930938 в строках    
    new_list = line.split(' ')          
    steamid = new_list[0]
    name = str(new_list[8])
    bank = new_list[5]
    newbank = int(bank) + cash#создаю (задаю) новое значение newbank 
    new_list[5] = str(newbank)    
    lines.insert(i, " ".join(new_list))#вставляю в туже самую строку данные
    print('New Bank: {}'.format(newbank))#проверка значения newbank
    print('>>>Found!\nLine {}: {}\nSteamid: {}\nName {}\nBank: {}'.format(i, word, steamid, name, bank))
f = open(myfile, 'w', encoding="utf-8")

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