Alexey Nersd2022-01-05 09:32:26
Text Processing Automation
Alexey Nersd, 2022-01-05 09:32:26

How to replace a word in hundreds of html files with other words from a list?

Tell me, through which program you can automatically edit html-files.
For example, 1000 html files, they need to replace one specific word, for example, the word "Name", instead of it, one word from the list, for example, "Vasya", must be inserted into each individual html file, and so on in order in each document by one word from the list: “petya”, “masha”, etc.

In Notepad ++, it’s impossible to do this through macros, only one word gets into the buffer and subsequent copying of other words is no longer taken into account. Maybe someone knows how to set it up?

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1 answer(s)
AVKor, 2022-01-05

The Bash script reads a file with substitute words, for each word it takes the next file in which it is necessary to make a replacement, and does it through sed.

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