misc12014-09-09 12:54:23
misc1, 2014-09-09 12:54:23

How to remove white screen in Yii?

Created an application in Yii, instead of an application, a white screen. In php log:

PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/../../../root/yii/yii-'

yiic.php was run from /root/yii/yii- with the command:
php yiic.php webapp /var/www/html/
Yii just started learning.
UPD: I know that it cannot open this file, I'm wondering why and how to solve it. And I know what require_ and include_ are.

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3 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-09-09

We read the error message, draw conclusions.

Maxim Grechushnikov, 2014-09-09

You seem to have just started learning PHP.
how is Failed opening required translated?

Alexander Urich, 2015-04-03

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