yashunova2017-10-19 12:26:40
yashunova, 2017-10-19 12:26:40

How to remove menu from articles?

It is necessary to remove the menu from the main menu and from the articles (do not hide it, but remove it, or hide it, but so that the links are not active there), while ensuring that the menu is active on categories and tags. Extra theme. Site turako.ru

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3 answer(s)
one_day, 2017-10-19

check for hom and single

if( !is_home() || !is_single() ){
   // код меню

Anton, 2017-10-19

Look for a function that gives the ID of the current page, category, or whatever you have, and the condition is to disable the display of the menu on the pages you need.

Artem Abramovich, 2017-10-19

Well, you can make a static page from the main page and display what you need as a builder, but on articles it’s more difficult. In Extra there is such a feature as Layouts, try to use them

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