Kirill Kazakov2015-06-22 00:25:37
Kirill Kazakov, 2015-06-22 00:25:37

How to remove mc command history?

Debian 7.8. shell /bin/bash
I use MC to work in the console, when minimizing mc , when searching for previous commands in the console, the history of transitions in MC is displayed. Is it possible to exclude the history of work in mc from the history of commands in the console?
UPD (thanks Ergil Osin ):
Add to ~/.bashrc

# don't put garbage from mc in the history
export HISTIGNORE=”&:ls:[bf]g:exit: cd \”\`*: PROMPT_COMMAND='*”

or that
export HISTCONTROL="ignoreboth"

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2 answer(s)
Ergil Osin, 2015-06-22

export HISTIGNORE=”&:ls:[bf]g:exit: cd \”\`*: PROMPT_COMMAND='*”

Uncle Seryozha, 2016-12-22

Helped me this way:
history -c

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