kirilldmt2015-03-04 22:28:25
Character encoding
kirilldmt, 2015-03-04 22:28:25

How to remove hieroglyphs and leave only Latin in the lines?

I have many strings that contain both English words and characters. All hieroglyphs must be removed. Do not make a mask, because the sequence may be different.
Here is an example of my
带防盗指示灯,浅色 带防盗灯,浅色 with immobilizer light,grey 大灯
可调 , 黑色用 gray

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2 answer(s)
MiiNiPaa, 2015-03-04

Why is there a regexp here? It looks like a trivial task of removing from a sequence of characters that do not belong to a certain set.

kirildmt, 2015-03-05

I have data in excel.
Copy everything to notepad++ with ansi encoding. Hieroglyphs turn into question marks. Remove all question marks.

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