Vladimir Mukovoz2017-11-03 03:04:46
Vladimir Mukovoz, 2017-11-03 03:04:46

How to remove extra spaces in static using Nginx?

I heard about the HttpStripModule module, but as I understand it, it is outdated. Is there a recent version or something similar?

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1 answer(s)
Mikhail Grigoriev, 2017-11-04

Look towards Nginx JS ( nginScript ) - the JavaScript runtime in Nginx.
Firstly, it is already built into nginx as a module and there is no need to collect any additional. modules, and secondly, it has been tested and works reliably and does not crash nginx.
3 months back there was a task to transparently replace the phpThumb preview library with resizing via nginx-module-image-filter, at first I suffered for a long time with all sorts of third-party modules in order to parse the url and extract the necessary data from the request, then process it, then spat and did it in a couple of hours on nginScript the same thing, an example of all configs is here , I still can’t arrange it in the form of a normal article understandable to the layman.

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