Kirill Gorelov2015-08-04 13:51:51
Text Processing Automation
Kirill Gorelov, 2015-08-04 13:51:51

How to remove duplicates if Excel can't?

There are two bases of postal addresses. How to delete another database from one database?
Excel simply removes duplicates. And I need to remove base B from base A + B.
Online services, programs, how can this be done?
PS Do not spam.

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6 answer(s)
D', 2015-08-04

You can look for a tool for working with keywords, they usually have such functionality.
But it can be easier https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2013/0...

Andrew, 2015-08-04

Open both lists in Excel.
Enter an additional column, write in it for the first base 1, for the second - 2.
Sort in ascending order of the list, in case of equality - in ascending order of value (second level).
In the third column, write the IF formula so that the value from the list is transferred if your condition is met, and empty if not.
Copy the third column to a separate sheet and delete empty cells from it

Max, 2015-08-04

grep -F -x -v -f fileB fileA - will subtract fileB from fileA.
one but - does not clean out duplicates. Please remove duplicates in excel. grep under Windows can be googled.

Puma Thailand, 2015-08-04

throw a simple script on visual basic for applications, about 30 minutes

Eugene, 2015-08-04

your files are text containing identical lines.
your files - csv with one of the headers - "header", which you need to filter

$FileBHeaders=Import-CSV FileB | Foreach {$_.header} ; Import-CSV FileAB | where {$FileBHeaders -notcontains $_.header} | Export-CSV FileA

kseshew, 2020-07-06

Check out "List Comparison" by "Dadata": bit.ly/2Z2950R . The service will check the lists and compile a summary. And there he will answer where he found each entry.
In your case, you can simply remove the addresses from the final list that were found simultaneously in both A + B and B. It costs 1 kopeck per entry.

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