K_Kotovski2020-07-06 17:47:49
K_Kotovski, 2020-07-06 17:47:49

How to remove attributes in bulk?

Hello, can you please tell me how to remove attributes in bulk? I have such a problem, when importing through WP All Import, 16200 attributes were created that are not needed and it is not clear why copies were created
. There are a lot of them, even if you try to manually delete it, deleting 1 such attribute takes 3 minutes and 25 seconds
. There is no access to SQL, you need somehow solve this issue in a artisanal way, if there are none, then tell me some
woocommerce advanced bulk edit options did not help me, since it cannot load due to so many attributes

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1 answer(s)
Evgeny Mikhailov, 2022-02-22

put the php file with the code in the root of the site:

include 'wp-load.php';

$attributes = json_decode(json_encode(wc_get_attribute_taxonomies()),true);

foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) {
    $deleted = wc_delete_attribute( $attribute['attribute_id'] );
    echo '<pre>';
    print_r(sprintf('Deleting %s - Result %s',$attribute['attribute_label'], $deleted));
    echo '</pre>';

give it permissions 777 , and then
go back to your attributes (in the admin panel) and manually create a random attribute, the previously created attributes will disappear, this bug is according to wokomers support due to caching.

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