ysaeredir2015-09-16 17:50:39
Adobe Photoshop
ysaeredir, 2015-09-16 17:50:39

How to reduce a photo in Photoshop without losing quality?

Tell me how to reduce a large photo 1200x800 px to a small 150x150px without quality loss, so that there is no graininess in the photo.

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4 answer(s)
Eugene, 2015-09-17

Try to reduce it in the vector editor... Yes, yes, in the vector editor.
Lebedev wrote about this somewhere, but now he hastily found it.

ysaeredir, 2015-09-16

I just already did it without quality loss in Photoshop here is bir-moto.ru , now I started to do it, there was graininess

Alejandro Esquire, 2015-09-16

Ok, you probably know how to take a 300dpi 800x800 image and turn it into a 600dpi 400x400. A correctly asked question contains at least half of the answer!

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