Wasya UK2020-08-27 17:34:27
Wasya UK, 2020-08-27 17:34:27

How to redirect a file on upload in Node.js?

Here is my code for uploading a file to a server. It will upload the client file in uploads.

  formLimit: '10mb',
  formidable: {
    uploadDir: __dirname + '/uploads',
    keepExtensions: true
  multipart: true,
  urlencoded: true

Then I upload it to cloudinary, and after that I delete it from the directory. Is there a way to intercept the file and not upload it first to the server, but redirect it immediately to cloudinary or wherever I need to go via fs?

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1 answer(s)
alex4answ, 2020-08-27

If I understand your task correctly, then you can use a stream loader that does not use temporary storage, etc., but works with streams,
for example busboy

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