Mikhail Osher2014-06-15 11:21:48
Data recovery
Mikhail Osher, 2014-06-15 11:21:48

How to recover data from a memory card?

I tried the CardRecovery program - it seems like it, only during the recovery process my memory card is disconnected and connected again. Ruins the whole process.
What ways can you suggest, dear?

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3 answer(s)
Cool Admin, 2014-06-15

Only scan and restore in parts. Most likely the card is overheating, you can hold it in the freezer before the procedure.

datalabs, 2014-08-19

If the flash drive is hardware defective, then it can no longer be restored programmatically.

Igor Bogachev, 2015-09-23

Too few details! How can you help if you don't want to do anything yourself??? "Doctor, cure me, I'm sick!!!" Symptoms? Anamnesis? Circumstances?!!! And in our case:
1. Card type, model, size.
2. After what the card began to behave so?
3. How do you connect the card to the computer? USB card reader? Or a built-in card reader in a laptop or something else?
4. How long, on average, does the card have time to work before shutting down?
All this you had to describe YOURSELF without leading inquiries !!!

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