uaSaint2015-08-13 13:38:40
uaSaint, 2015-08-13 13:38:40

How to query multiple pages?

There is an api, a request to which gives a maximum of 1000 results and then standard pagination, i.e. is page={1,...,n}. The question is how to execute the query correctly and get all the data using retrofit ? I understand that you can check the response.body, but how to implement this does not reach. I don't want to use loops and recursion. The call goes like this ( getCities takes the page as the first parameter, if this is not done, the result is still limited to 1000 objects ):

mService.getCities(1, new Callback<GetCitiesResponse[]>() {
            public void success(GetCitiesResponse[] getCitiesResponses, Response response) {
                Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Founded " + String.valueOf(getCitiesResponses.length) + " items");

            public void failure(RetrofitError error) {

actually it is clear that you need to substitute 2,3, etc. until the body of the response is empty, but I would not like to fence anything extra ...
PS do not kick too much, because I'm using retrofit for the first time.

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