MIDNSK2021-07-24 08:47:58
Data Comparison
MIDNSK, 2021-07-24 08:47:58

How to qualitatively compare two directories with files?

There are two large directories with files distributed internally in different folders. You need something to compare these two directories so that the program clearly shows the differences. All the products that I have tried are either more programmer-oriented (differences in file syntax, different lines of code, etc.), or if the file exists both there and there, but their paths are different, then the program already considers this as differences. I do not need any differences in the lines of any code, or anything else like heaped up. I just need the program to say: in the folder on the left there are such and such files, in the folder on the right there are no such files. Or maybe, for example, so that the folder on the left also has the same file, but it lies not because of the path along which it is in the folder on the right. This does not mean that I do not have such a file, it means that it exists, it just has already been moved correctly. Is there software
Since not everyone who wants to answer understands what I specifically need, I will try to describe further the sequence of actions that the program must perform: there are two directories with software: on drive L and on drive D. The directory on L was once a copy of the directory on D, but changes were made in it during the year: new programs were added, new categories were created and the location of some old ones was changed. There is a possibility that during the year of work on Windows 10 Desyatin antivirus could work and wash some files with L, which, of course, were preserved on D. The program is required to:
1. Analyze the entire directory with software on the disk (l:);
2. Analyze the same on disk (d:);
Then either
3. Show me specifically which files are on d but not on l;
4. Remove from d all those that are on l and leave only unique ones.
I repeat that on l: some files have changed their location over the year of work, so they can also be on d:, but along the old paths. Most software is not suitable precisely because it analyzes the paths and, if they do not match, the program considers this to be a difference and shows me, but I only need unique files that are 100% nowhere in the directory.

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4 answer(s)
MIDNSK, 2021-08-10

Well, thanks to everyone who tried to help me find a solution to this difficult, as it turned out, problem. I finally found it myself, and now I will describe what it consists of. As I said earlier, even in the question, it was necessary to operate with two huge own accumulations of software, which are mostly identical. So, there was such a Program in this accumulation. As it turned out later, now it's already "Duplicate Files Search & Link" version 8, while I still have it "Duplicate Same Files Searcher". In other matters, I think that the new version should not lose the functionality we need. So, I installed Duplicate Same Files Searcher, opened the program, clicked "Start Search" and pointed it to both directories with software - to (L:) and to (D:). I waited half a day until the scan was completed (the program found duplicates in the folder on L, in the folder on D and, of course, files that matched on both L and D), then called the context menu on some file in the table with the results and selected "Mark files by filter". The filter can be: "File name contains...", "File path contains..." and "Real file path contains...". You can mark everything at once but I only marked the second one. Then he indicated that the path to the file should contain "d:\" and gave the program the "Filter" command. After completing the process of marking files, I simply clicked "Delete" in the context menu and boldly deleted 300773 files at once. As a result, as required, only unique files remained on the disk (D :), and there are no duplicates of which on (L :).
Many thanks to Yuri Malich for this wonderful program.
Igor, Novosibirsk.

BadCats, 2021-07-25

Total Commander: https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=51571
- the author of the topic at the link has the same question.
Who is too lazy to follow the link - the team cm_CompareDirsWithSubdirs- in TC.

Zettabyte, 2021-07-25

If you don't need to compare the contents of files (i.e. files with the same name are exactly the same in both folders), then FAR will do: https://www.farmanager.com/
Just select the folders in the left/right panes.
Although I do not exclude that he knows how to compare the contents, he has already forgotten.
In my opinion, there is a comparison out of the box, but if you suddenly need it, then here is the plugin: https://plugring.farmanager.com/plugin.php?pid=643&l=ru

ThunderCat, 2021-07-24

Personally, I haven't seen them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist...

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