Worddoc2017-07-06 22:48:27
Worddoc, 2017-07-06 22:48:27

How to push a child element to the bottom of the block and, in combination, to the bottom of the overflow-y of the parent block?

Hello. Here is a good visualization of the problem: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/xrJoqv
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Worddoc, 2017-07-07

The solution was found. You need to put 2 blocks in 1 additional wrapper with position: relative and min-height: 100%.

Sergiu Mitu, 2017-07-07

So far, no way except through js.
Well, in the future we will use position: sticky;
or if the block has a fixed height/width, then you can simply wrap it in a div, and put this fixed block in it as position absolute, bottom 0, right 0. so

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