sergealmazov2014-01-22 15:02:40
sergealmazov, 2014-01-22 15:02:40

How to publish a post in wordpress via xml-rpc?

You need a convenient and lightweight tool to publish posts on a WordPress-based blog.
Maybe there are tools in any languages? It doesn't matter which ones, the main thing is to keep it simple.

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3 answer(s)
Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2014-01-23

if WIndows - that is, Live Writer from Live Essentials, well, or the first link in Google
c # xml-rpc.net

Dmitry Artemenko, 2014-01-22

Once wrote to the customer such tool. Based on this experience, it was necessary to check the box in the admin panel that this method of publication is enabled. I also found an example of how to send blog entries from PHP via xml-rpc. If you just need a tool, then I once saw an assortment of such programs for android.

Sergei Borisov, 2014-01-23

Maybe this will help you: android.wordpress.org/development

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