roxik2017-10-28 17:17:40
roxik, 2017-10-28 17:17:40

How to protect a template?

My client's site is often copied by scammers and act on his behalf, some are led to this. Is it possible to complicate the work of such people? When to make it harder to copy css or render a template on a third-party site?
Suggest ideas, please.

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8 answer(s)
Oleg, 2017-10-28

No idea. Everything that got into the browser is already on the client side.
Would like to watch. what a miracle template that is often copied)))

Alexey B., 2017-10-28

So the content is stolen or the design?
If the content, then you are here: https://yandex.ru/support/webmaster/authored-texts...
Algorithm: 1) compose the original text (you will have to write new texts); 2) send it to Yandex; 3) post on the site.
If it's still css (although it turns out to be a very strange question), then try:
1) In css files, make a comment header with brief license conditions, as you see them. Then contact those who you think used your design and ask them to reject it. You can intimidate that you are going to complain to a special search engine service so that these sites are lowered in the rating.
2) Embed references to the original site in the class name and id. Was: "wrapper". Became: "wrapper-roga-i-kopyta".
3) Make a local web font with the wrong name (eg, rename the local "Verdana" to "Comic Sans") and protect it from loading from other addresses: https://mediatemple.net/community/products/dv/2046. ..
4) Add hyperlinks and text links to your site through the css-property content: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_gen_content.asp
Well, that is, the calculation of the inattention of your "scammers". So that they still copy something pointing to you and do not notice or do not understand how to remove it.

Exploding, 2017-10-28

Yes. In fact, there is no way to protect 100%, but you can create a hemorrhoid. The question is, what will it bring in the end? It is highly likely that this may have the opposite effect: like "Look, you're a sly one, he set up defenses here! Come on, let's copy this template after all!"
Of course, I have never tried it, and perhaps the browser will no longer allow to implement this, but if I do something, then, for example, I tried this:
- hang on document onkeydown
- if you pressed ctrl + s -> execute some code through eval, like earlier, or maybe now (I haven’t caught it for a long time) ransomware viruses got into it.
PS. As I understand it, the compiled win-application code can somehow be executed with js eval.
Well, or if not, then somehow on a large scale so that it is))) For pictures with pointer-events:none, etc. - not that))

Johnny Smith, 2017-10-28

You can legally protect the template and brand. Who tried?

Anatoly, 2017-10-28

There is no way to defend against this. If the browser shows the page, then it can read it from somewhere, namely, your server gave the browser all the elements necessary for this: HTML, CSS, JS.
Of course, you can resort to very eye-pleasing methods , such as obfuscation or F12 / Ctrl + U interception, but this will not save you from real professionals.

mantovpinets, 2017-10-28

There is an easy way. Just stupidly disable right click on the site. I've seen something like this somewhere. But if you google it, I think you can do it.

Vitaly Stolyarov, 2017-10-28

The template itself can be copied as it is, but if you use js, this can complicate the display on another domain.
1. in obfuscated js (the larger, the better) set functions to display parts of the page with location.href check
2. you can load the same parts via xhr, with a time check about the start of page loading and completion, after which close access to loading components
This may only complicate copying, but does not give any guarantee. Rather, it will complicate the task for you more)

yadren, 2017-11-03

Look here https://youtu.be/9UDQ-4aD-RY maybe something will be useful. They definitely had another video on this topic, maybe two. Google "alarm to site".

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