Demigodd2019-04-03 11:33:12
Demigodd, 2019-04-03 11:33:12

How to properly update a branch with master?

There are 3 branches, master -> branch-1 -> branch-2 .
I need to update branch-2 with current changes from master .
Would it be correct to update master then make it merg in branch-2 ?
Or do you need to update branch -1 first, then from branch-1 to branch-2 ?

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2 answer(s)
Decadal, 2019-04-03

Depends if you need branch-1. If b1 and b2 will be folded to master both, and b2 is split from b1, then it is recommended to merge the master into b1, and b1 into b2
if b1 is folded, just merge the master into b2

Ivan Shumov, 2019-04-03

Read about gitflow and everything will fall into place for you

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