bmalets2015-04-09 11:28:21
Ruby on Rails
bmalets, 2015-04-09 11:28:21

How to properly set up active_job and resque in rails 4.2.1?

I'm trying to create two background jobs - one for sending email (will run as a callback when the model changes)
and a parser (which will run every hour).
Project on rails 4.2.1, also using resque-scheduler (4.0.0), resque (1.25.2)
My config.ru file (to add resque admin on startup):

# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
run Rails.application

require 'resque/server'  
run Rack::URLMap.new "/" => AppName::Application,  "/resque" => Resque::Server.new

My /lib/tasks/resque.rake:
require 'resque/tasks'
require 'resque/scheduler/tasks'

namespace :resque do
  task :setup do
    require 'resque'
    require 'resque-scheduler'

    Resque.schedule = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/resque_schedule.yml")
    Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/jobs/*.rb"].each { |file| require file }

Actually my /config/resque_scheduler.yml:
  queue: parse_updates
    - '1h'
    - :first_in: '10s'  
  class: CheckUpdatesJob
  description: scrape page

Active-job initializer /config/initializer/active_job.rb Rescue initializer /config/initializer/resque.rb:
ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :resque
require 'resque-scheduler'
require 'resque/scheduler/server'

uri = URI.parse("redis://localhost:6379/")  
Resque.redis = Redis.new(:host => uri.host, :port => uri.port, :password => uri.password)

Resque.after_fork = Proc.new { ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection }

Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/jobs/*.rb"].each { |file| require file }
Resque.schedule = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'resque_schedule.yml'))

Resque::Server.use(Rack::Auth::Basic) do |user, password|
  user = 'admin'
  password = 'admin'

Job to send mail:
class EmailNotificationJob < ActiveJob::Base
  queue_as :email_notifications

  def perform(episode_id, email)
    NotificationMailer.new_record_appears(record_id, email).deliver_now

Job for periodic parser:
class CheckUpdatesJob < ActiveJob::Base
  queue_as :parse_updates

  def perform()

How do I run it all:
1. redis-server
- the radish works
2. - the parsing worker works 3.rake environment resque:work QUEUE=parse_updates
rake environment resque:work QUEUE=email_notifications

- the worker for sending mail is running
4. - the scheduler is running running 5. - well, actually the rails After the launch of the rails, two workers, two queues are visible in the Rescue admin panel, the Schedule tab is also visible. But after clicking 'queue now' on the Schedule tab, you can see that the task appears in the queue, but it is not processed - as if it just disappears from the queue after a few seconds. I change the model through the rails console - the callback works, but the job with sending mail does not work. Similarly, with a periodic launch every hour .... Tell me, please, what did I set up wrong, maybe I start it wrong ... Because everything seems to work, but nothing works. Thanks in advance. rake environment resque:scheduler
rails s

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2 answer(s)
yoyasimf, 2015-08-04

Try to /lib/tasks/resque.rake
add Resque::Scheduler.dynamic = true

Resque.schedule = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/resque_schedule.yml")

michaelkl, 2018-06-22

There is a problem with running ActiveJob tasks via resque-scheduler.
The problem is described here . In short, you need to run the task through the adapter ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::ResqueAdapter::JobWrapper.
Here you can read about solutions to the problem. One of them is this gem .

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