NikSIk312019-07-13 17:06:07
Search Engine Optimization
NikSIk31, 2019-07-13 17:06:07

How to properly optimize the SEO page (see description)?

Hello!! Please help with page optimization. Its essence is as follows: this page is dedicated to the sale of the task, for example: a math task with photos of the condition and the condition itself (text), I also think the name of the task so that there are words from the condition. There will also be a city, a university, a subject in the condition 5d29e31917517132015571.jpeg(in short, in the picture all areas are dynamic, and static ones are drawn in red. There are also a few more static blocks below - info about the site, answers to questions and TD.
Please help, what needs to be added to the tag here head , what tags and data should be placed in these tags (I would like to hear something like instructions:
1) add N words from such and such a section to the title, 2) add ... Etc)
I also want to hear, maybe it's worth changing something in the data output on the page itself (such as removing the output of the city or adding something)
I would be extremely grateful for a detailed answer!
PS in the picture is a test version of the page, so the data is also random. Of course, Moscow State University is not in Kharkov))

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2019-07-13

in title and h1 - "linear calculation..." + relinking

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