Makar Gerasimov2016-10-28 18:22:42
Makar Gerasimov, 2016-10-28 18:22:42

How to properly optimize links in Yii2?

Good evening. There are three tables:
1) users [id, site_id]
2) users_fields [id, user_id, site_id]
3) users_fields_value [id, user_id, field_id]
Correct SQL that needs to be translated into Yii2 relationship logic (getFieldValue):

from `users`
join `users_fields` on users.site_id=users_fields.site_id
left join `users_fields_value` on users_fields.id=users_fields_value.field_id
and users_fields_value.user_id=users.id
where users.site_id=14

It is enough to specify the site identifier and all additional fields and their values ​​will be unloaded
+ and users.id=X <- unloading a specific user from the site and its additional
fields ) and the value of each field
Now everything works like this: for each user, one request is made to select additional fields, and then their values. As a result, the number of requests to the database goes off scale ...
public function getListUsers($site_id) 
        if( ! ( $userModel = Site::findModel($site_id) ) ) {
            return false;
       $models = $userModel->getUsers()
                        'status' => 1

        if( ! $models ) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException('Users not found');

        $result = [];

        foreach($models as $model) {
            $result[] = [
                'name' => $model->name,
                'other' => $this->getArrayFieldValues($model->fields, $model->id)
        return $result;

private function getArrayFieldValues(array $models, int $user_id)
        $result = [];

        foreach ($models as $model) {
            if( ! ($value = $model->getFieldValue($user_id)->one()) ) {

            $result[$model->name] = $value->value;

        return ! empty($result) ? $result : false;

model Site.php:
public static function findModel($id)
        if( ! ($model = self::findOne($id)) ) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('sites', 'Website is not found'));

        return $model;

public function getUsers()
        return $this->hasMany(Users::className(), ['site_id' => 'id']);

public function getFields()
        return $this->hasMany(UsersFields::className(), ['site_id' => 'site_id']);

model UsersFields.php
public function getFieldsValue()
        return $this->hasMany(UsersFieldsValue::className(), ['field_id' => 'id']);

    public function getFieldValue($user_id)
        return $this->getFieldsValue()
                    ->where(['user_id' => $user_id]);

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1 answer(s)
Immortal_pony, 2016-10-28

Set relationships for models .

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