Rag'n' Code Man2019-08-24 17:58:27
Rag'n' Code Man, 2019-08-24 17:58:27

How to properly integrate VS CODE and UNITY?

Hello, I recently started learning UNITY. I teach at UNITY 3D SCHOOL courses. There, the teacher uses the VS CODE editor, which is somehow integrated with UNITY. For example: the teacher writes "Vector3. " and the editor offers a number of functions of the Vector3 class. For some reason it doesn't work for me, no plugins help. By the way, in the folder with the first lesson there is some config, which, in turn, is in the VSCode folder . If anyone understands this topic, please help!
Update: This was the VS CODE and Unity integration plugin from the Asset Store. But now another problem: this error comes out (Assets/VSCode/Plugins/Editor/VSCode.cs(983,31): warning CS0618: UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged' is obsolete: Use EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged and/or EditorApplication.pauseStateChanged' ). Is there any solution? Or is it just switching to Visual Studio will help?

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1 answer(s)
Denis Gaydak, 2019-08-25

UNITY 3D SCHOOL seems to be included in the payment - "answers to questions."
at least such a vacancy came across from them as a "respondent" to such questions)))
For clarity, you would indicate the version of Unity on which you are trying.
starting from some 5.6 or 2017 - all plugins and integration with the code editor - comes out of the box. and you just need not to remove (or tick) the installer)
but to bother and install VS CODE instead of Visual Studio out of the box - it doesn’t make sense at all.
you should write code and debug there, and not organize the assembly of projects. no difference.

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