Vampire0162021-04-16 16:36:09
Vampire016, 2021-04-16 16:36:09

How to properly install the wwWidgets plugin on QT - 5.15.2?

In general, I found an installer for the wwWidgets 1.0 plugin on the site www.wysota.eu.org/wwwidgets/#usage . I installed it in the directory with MinGW - 32bit, and as the instructions say, I write the line CONFIG += wwwidgets to the .pro file, but when I try to compile, it swears that there is no library, although it seems to be there.

Does anyone have any ideas how to fix?

Answers like "... Why the hell do you use QT, use *****", "Why do you need a widget, you can file it with your hands, you just write a couple of dozen new classes ..." - do not offer !!!!

Thank you in advance


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2 answer(s)
Adamos, 2021-04-16

This page is at least 10 years old. The current version of wxWidgets is 3.14, and you can cross it with Qt only if you really want to create more fancy problems for yourself.
Already tried to file wxQt - and its development quickly went into complete stagnation.
So within the framework of one project - either cute or VX-widgets. Do not mix, and there is nothing to shake here either.

Vampire016, 2021-04-16

Damn, I desperately need TextEdit with an editing toolbar.
Is there any easier way to implement it, I have the defense of the WRC in a month, and there is no time to teach (at the university, 3 months before the defense, they said that a program was needed for the diploma, otherwise what 3 years taught is no longer relevant, so f*** tes how you want)?

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