12rbah2021-08-16 17:24:52
12rbah, 2021-08-16 17:24:52

How to properly initialize a c++ structure in go via cgo?

I'm trying to deal with cgo, I'm trying to return an initialized structure from c++ code, but only a null pointer is returned, what am I doing wrong?

struct Something
    int nValue;
    float fValue;

void* retSome(){
    Something s;
    s.fValue = 5;
    s.nValue = 2;
    return static_cast<void*>(&s);

// wrapper.h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void print();
void print2();
void* setString(const char *name);
void* setStringUnsafe(void*);
void* retSome();
#ifdef __cplusplus

type Something struct
  nValueint int
  fValue float64

func main() {
  ptr := C.retSome()
  var s = new(Something)
  s = (*Something)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))

  fmt.Println(ptr,s) //nil nil 

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