Michaellux2019-03-12 10:53:31
Michaellux, 2019-03-12 10:53:31

How to properly implement the "State" pattern in Unity?

I want to implement the "State" template.
To this end, I created an abstract class "GameState" and an empty Gameobject in the Hierarchy view with the same name.
But it became clear that it is not possible to attach a script with an abstract class.
Then I attached a GameObject with the class "GameManager" to the "GameState" script:

public abstract class GameState : MonoBehaviour
     protected static GameObject gameManagerObject;
     protected GameManager gameManager = gameManagerObject.GetComponent<GameManager>();
     internal virtual void HandleButton(GameManager gameManager, PressedButton button)
         ChangeState(gameManager, button);
     protected abstract void ChangeState(GameManager gameManager, PressedButton button);
 internal class StartState : GameState
     internal StartState()
         Debug.Log("Launch game");
     protected override void ChangeState(GameManager gameManager, PressedButton button)
         gameManager.State = new WorkState();
 internal class WorkState : GameState
     internal WorkState()
     protected override void ChangeState(GameManager gameManager, PressedButton button)
         gameManager.State = new PauseState();
 internal class PauseState : GameState
     internal PauseState()
     protected override void ChangeState(GameManager gameManager, PressedButton button)
         gameManager.State = new WorkState();

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
     internal GameState State { get; set; }
     void Start()
         State = new StartState();
     public void FindOut(PressedButton button)
         State.HandleButton(this, button);

But when I run it, I get an error:
This is because I'm using the "new" keyword: How can I solve this problem? Is it even possible to implement the "State" pattern in this way? How to do it correctly in Unity?
State = new StartState();

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1 answer(s)
Denis Gaydak, 2019-03-12

why do you need GameState : MonoBehaviour ?? why do you need it on the object in the scene?
the state is an abstract thing))
GameManager : MonoBehaviour is the norm. Let the manager live in the scene and initialize it.
but about the error - you can not create MonoBehaviour through NEW.
only through adding or searching for a component.

state = someRef.gameobject.GetComponent<GameState>()

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