Ogureccc2019-10-16 11:14:42
Ogureccc, 2019-10-16 11:14:42

How to properly implement property filters in browse?

Guys, I'm just starting to delve into laravel, please explain briefly how to implement filtering correctly? I use laravel 5.8 and the voyager admin panel (yes, I know it’s not the best choice, but there’s no time to rewrite to a backup or a new one). I have columns in the table responsible (there are relations in the dropdown), the performer (there are relations in the dropdown), and all sorts of dates for the life cycle of the task, such as creation date, completion date, closing date, etc. The task is to make it possible to filter the list in browse, for example, by the range of closing dates (for example, which were closed from 02/01/2019 to 03/01/2019) and by a specific artist (the one who completed this task). Another such moment, I have a global scope that shows only those tasks that were created by the user from which to log in to the admin panel. (i.e. only your tasks). Next, I plan to transfer the filtered collection to the phpexcel factory to generate a report, the only question is filtering. It's just that Google is generally silent on this topic, maybe there are some articles or solutions, please throw off the link.

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1 answer(s)
Yuri Kulaxyz, 2019-10-16

Ajax request to the server, you get sorted data there, but how to display it is up to you. With js, jQuery will have to be confused, with vue it will be faster

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