Wasya UK2018-09-24 17:38:55
Wasya UK, 2018-09-24 17:38:55

How to properly format a data dictionary?

I don’t understand a little how to properly format the data dictionary in the document ... It seems like it should be tables and a description of their attributes, or I didn’t understand correctly: https://studfiles.net/preview/6459313/page:6/. That is, you just need to draw up a similar template, and BNF notation for it?

table name_1
attribute_1: data_type_1, max_length_1...
attribute_n: data_type_n, max_length_n...

I will be glad to all the answers, for the first time I encountered this problem.

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2018-09-30


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