dk-web2015-09-18 20:44:37
dk-web, 2015-09-18 20:44:37

How to properly cross compass and font-awesome?

I did
gem install font-awesome-sass
as it says here:
In my .sass file I write ..
@ import compass
@ import font-awesome
@ import ../tools/vars
naturally nothing is found ...
how to be?
in fact, all the nonsense in the icons of social networks. I did it through icomoon.io and the boss was gone, VK was gone ...

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2 answer(s)
Think With Your Head, 2015-09-18

Damn, if you only need 5 icons, then you can’t pull the font weight and the whole thing like that. Is there a generator on icomoon

Alexey, 2015-09-19

the _font-awesome file must be in the same folder as the main sass or sass file, set the path to it

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