Alexander Savchuk2015-05-25 18:40:36
Alexander Savchuk, 2015-05-25 18:40:36

How to properly cache an object (not a model) in Django?

Good afternoon!
There is a PaymentChecker class, its creation takes quite a lot of time, and it is not profitable to create it in each request, since it does not change from request to request, that is, you need something like a singleton. Therefore, the question is how to properly cache it or organize it as a singleton.
It would be correct to put it in a separate file, for example, utils.py of the following form:

# utils.py

class PaymentChecker(object):

payment_checker = PaymentChecker(<some constant args>)

# views.py
import utils

class CheckPayment(View):
    def get(...):
           if utils.payment_checker.check(...):

Thanks in advance :-)

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1 answer(s)
Vadim Shandrinov, 2015-05-25

If there is enough data to create at the compilation stage, then it is possible.
Another option is to make a lazy getter, something like

_payment_checker = None
def get_payment_checker():
     global _payment_checker
     if _payment_checker is None:
          _payment_checker =  PaymentChecker(<some constant args>)
     return _payment_checker

or the same through a static class method
class PaymentChecker(object):
    __instance = None
    def get_checker(cls):
         if cls.__instance is None:
               cls.__instance =  cls(<some constant args>)
         return cls.__instance

The second option is preferable - it's easier to develop :)

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