awerka742018-08-06 15:25:45
awerka74, 2018-08-06 15:25:45

How to prevent output of custom post types?

There is a custom record type list.
Certain positions are added to it, and then using a shortcode I insert them on any page of the site.
After creating an entry in the list, wordpress generates a link site.ru/list/name The
question is: how to prevent Wordpress from generating such links? Those. roughly speaking, so that records are not added to the site at all and are not visible in the front-end.
In Yoast SEO, I have already removed the ability to index this post type.

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-08-06

In code when creating a custom post type:
public => false
has_archive => false
publicaly_queryable => false
Source - https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/7446...

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