roma777012020-12-12 21:14:04
roma77701, 2020-12-12 21:14:04

How to present a virtual android as a physical one?

Hello everyone, this question installed vmos everything works fine. Exams on the proctoring system are coming soon, it will be possible to take both from the phone and from the computer, I couldn’t set up the VM on the computer, the webcam does not work, I decided to set up the VM on android, everything seems to be normal and the webcam works, but the question is whether the usual extension can google chrome aero proctoring recognize virtual android? And even if the answer is yes, how can you make the system perceive the virtual android as physical. By the way, about the problem with the webcam, I just tried to check through proctoredu to check my virtual android, then there is exactly the same problem, the system does not see my camera, I tried it from a physical phone, everything is fine, I still think the problem is in the configuration code, what can I write there?

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