Gregory2020-03-02 21:38:16
Google Sheets
Gregory, 2020-03-02 21:38:16

How to plot a dot plot for data from multiple series?

There is data: 10 buses that arrive at a stop at different times (horizontal) and, accordingly, at different time intervals (vertical).

In google spreadsheets, I was able to create a suitable graph, but only for one bus, and I have 10 of them, that is, other buses should have dots of a different color

How can I do this?

That is, each point must be built separately according to 2 data (verticals and horizontals).

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Ivanov, 2020-03-04

I like the Scatter Chart the most, but this task can be solved with other charts.
To define a series, you must multiply each value of the abscissa with a new set of ordinates. Those. for each bus you should have a new column (or row, depending on the orientation of the data).
Table Example

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