Nick_2282019-12-16 11:05:06
C++ / C#
Nick_228, 2019-12-16 11:05:06

How to perform a vertical check in the C language (C) in a two-dimensional array?

It is necessary for each cell of a two-dimensional array to check whether it is worth "0" in neighboring cells. I use it through 2 nested for loops: if array[x - 1][y] == 0 and array [x][y - 1] then... It works horizontally, but not vertically.

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1 answer(s)
CityCat4, 2019-12-16

Since in fact all arrays in memory are one-dimensional :) moving vertically is just jumping through N cells of the array, where N is its horizontal width. Increment the current pointer by (N * cell_size_array) - and you will get to the next element vertically.

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