Andrey Korolev2015-05-29 09:47:56
Amazon Web Services
Andrey Korolev, 2015-05-29 09:47:56

How to pay amazon aws?

How do I pay for vps from AMAZON AWS ​​if I don't have a credit card? and there is no way to make it! what can be done in this case? who faced it? Will virtual credit cards from qiwi or Yandex work? Help guys who went through this.

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3 answer(s)
Vlad Zhivotnev, 2015-05-29

Amazon wants either cards (at the same time, if fraud is suspected, it asks for a scan of the card, so that virtual ones disappear), or paypal.
It is better to choose other hosts - vdsina, flops, smart-kvm, your-server.se

Denis Ineshin, 2015-05-29

PayPal. Google what are the ways to throw money there in Russia.
In general, you do not need a credit card, a regular debit card of any bank will do.

Andrey Korolev, 2015-05-29

the fact is that I don’t live in Russia at all, but in a very distant closed country, and there are no cards here, (I can only use the Internet and some electronic wallets) This is such a problem))

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