Yzurgzd2020-10-30 10:47:13
Yzurgzd, 2020-10-30 10:47:13

How to pass self to filter for Django views?


class Product(models.Model):
    article = models.CharField('Артикул', max_length=100)
    name = models.CharField('Наименование', max_length=100)
    poster = models.ImageField('Постер', upload_to='products/posters/')
    description = models.TextField('Описание')
    category = models.ForeignKey(
        Category, verbose_name='Категория', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True)
    price = models.PositiveIntegerField(
        'Цена', default=0, help_text='Указывать сумму в рублях')
    hide = models.BooleanField('Скрыть', default=False)
    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=160, unique=True)

class ProductDetailView(DetailView):
    module = Product
    queryset = Product.objects.filter(hide=False)
    template_name = 'products/single-product.html'

    def get_last_products(self):
        return Product.objects.filter(category=self.product.category) #Вот ТУТ

In the template for ProductDetail I output through a loop How do I pass the category from product to get_last_products? {% for last_product in view.get_last_products %}

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1 answer(s)
Dr. Bacon, 2020-10-30

Well, definitely not how to do the view method, either do it as a model method, or pass it to the template as a context via get_context_data

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