Alexey2018-08-12 12:40:30
C++ / C#
Alexey, 2018-08-12 12:40:30

How to parse the yuan exchange rate from the bank's website?

I want to use NodeMcu and an oled screen to monitor the yuan (CNY) exchange rate on the site: https://www.pskb.com/currency/
But alas, they don’t have an API (at least open ones) and there’s nothing in the source code either cling (unique id, class, etc.).
I'm waiting for advice, maybe someone knows more ways (preferably with examples and links).

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3 answer(s)
Roman Terekhin, 2018-08-12

If you need a daily rate, and not from the exchange in real time, then take it from the Central Bank

Dimonchik, 2018-08-12

xpath allows text search

xpath(('//div[@class="astra1" and contains(text(),"filename")]/following::div[1]/text()'))

Evgen, 2018-08-13

import requests
from parsel import Selector

response = requests.get('https://www.pskb.com/currency/')
sel = Selector(text=response.text)
print sel.xpath('//div[@id="tab1"]//tr/td[strong[text()="CNY"]]/following-sibling::td[1]/text()').get()

By the way, I gave myself a script that checks the rate every 5 seconds, and if it goes out of the specified range, it signals this. For Tinkov, really. I will share if there is interest.

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