ImPuuLsE2015-04-17 09:17:48
ImPuuLsE, 2015-04-17 09:17:48

How to parse tables with PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser?

Hello! there are tables with timetables navi.mostransavto.ru/?page=rasp&code=1220&ak=24&n=...
They are divided into direct flights and return flights. Stuck at stops over time.

$source = Parser::file_get_html('http://navi.mostransavto.ru/?page=rasp&code=1220&ak=24&n=1&com=');
        foreach($source->find('.shedule') as $tableN => $table){
                $tables[$tableN]['days'] = array_filter(explode('  ', $table->find('tr.stops', 0)->plaintext));

I can't figure out how to add an array like: Where $station is the name of the stop And how can I separate the tables into Direct and Return flights...since they are obtained in one array.

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