vadikjust2019-03-02 14:42:57
vadikjust, 2019-03-02 14:42:57

How to parse linked video?

Good afternoon, there was a problem: the video parsed locally and displayed them on the site normally, that is, I received links to the video through my ip and it was available to me. But when I launched this parser on the VPS, it turned out that the video is bound, most likely, to IP. Is it possible to get around this somehow?
Video links look like this:


Only this text in the link changes:
When playing a video, a request is sent to the server where the video is located, with the client's IP, and the link was received on the server's IP.
Is it possible somehow to Replace REMOTE_ADDR with SERVER_ADDR or vice versa?

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1 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2019-03-02

no, this is an anti-hotlink
with skill, you can get through one, and resume through another IP, but it depends on the engine

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