RememberMeOne2019-11-17 18:23:36
RememberMeOne, 2019-11-17 18:23:36

How to pair complex JSON data?

Good day.
There was a difficulty in training with getting data from json.
I use standard methods for getting data - Codable.
The json itself is


As you can see, the category key starts with numeric values, which prevents me from setting them as variable names.
I got a hint that you need to convert the resulting json to the NSDictionary type and then go through the loop to display the number of categories in the TableView.
How can this be implemented, or can some third-party libraries be used for this?

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2 answer(s)
doublench21, 2019-11-17

You have a JSON curve on the link. In this line

id is of integer type, although it is a string in all other places.
If this jamb is not taken into account in JSON, then this can be parsed something like this:
The code
struct EntryList: Decodable {
  struct DynamicCodingKey: CodingKey {
    var stringValue: String
    init?(stringValue: String) { self.stringValue = stringValue }
    var intValue: Int? { nil }
    init?(intValue: Int) { nil }

  struct Entry: Decodable {
    struct Content: Decodable {
      struct Subcategory: Decodable {
        let id: String
        let iconImage: String
        let name: String
        let sortOrder: String
        let type: String
      let iconImage: String
      let iconImageActive: String
      let image: String
      let name: String
      let sortOrder: String
      let subcategories: [Subcategory]
    let name: String
    let content: Content
  let entries: [Entry]
  init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
    let entriesContainer = try decoder.container(keyedBy: DynamicCodingKey.self)
    entries = try entriesContainer.allKeys.map { key in
      let content = try entriesContainer.decode(Entry.Content.self, forKey: key)
      return Entry(name: key.stringValue, content: content)

var entryList: EntryList?

let task = URLSession
  .dataTask(with: URL(string: "https://blackstarshop.ru/index.php?route=api/v1/categories")!) { (data, _, error) in
    guard error == nil else { return }
    guard let data = data else { return }
    entryList = try! JSONDecoder().decode(EntryList.self, from: data)


Vadym Piatkovskyi, 2019-11-20

I think that QuickType will help you navigate deep JSON much faster by parsing what lies there. For example, if you, as a normal person in an array of 255 objects, can skip an empty field for any key, this solution will help. If at least once this situation repeats, it is necessary to put optional instead of the usual value. Enjoy :)

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