Daniil Sukhikh2018-04-27 10:42:03
Daniil Sukhikh, 2018-04-27 10:42:03

How to paginate posts in php?

There is a script for displaying news, but they are all displayed at once, how to make them appear on pages, for example, so that there would be no more than 10 news on each page.
output script:

$page = $_GET['page'];
if (!isset($page)) {
    $command = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM `news` ORDER BY ID DESC");
    require 'pages/news.php';

<div class="newsName">Последние новости</div>
    $empn = mysqli_num_rows($command);
    if ($empn == 0) {
      echo "<div class='empn'>Новостей на данный момент нет! Следите за обновлениями.</div>";
    } else {
foreach ($command as $key => $itm):
  $valdesc = iconv_strlen($itm['desc']);
  $text = mb_substr($itm['desc'],0,1069, 'UTF-8');
  $textt = $text . "...";
  <div class="news">
    <div class="newsZak"><a href="?page=news&id=<?php echo $itm['id']; ?>"><?php echo $itm['name']; ?></a></div>
    <div class="newsDate"><?php echo $itm['date']; ?></div>
    <div class="newsLine"></div>
    <div class="newsDesc"><?php if ($valdesc > 1069) {
      echo $textt;
    } else {
      echo $text;
    } ?></div>
    if ($valdesc > 1069) {
    <a class="NewsPod" href="?page=news&id=<?php echo $itm['id']; ?>">Открыть полностью</a>

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1 answer(s)
Yan-s, 2018-04-27

If you need to display 10 records, why get everything from the database? Google Mysql limit

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